
Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Food is something that forms an integral part in our lives. We should eat so that wethanfood l survbut why not enjoy it in a healthy way? You will eat everyday unless and until you don't want to extend the life on earth.
Breakfast is the first food that we take in a day and medically, it should contain all the nutrients in a proportionate way, because too much of anything is dangerous. So, the breakfast which should be giving the energy you will need after a night long fast must be healthy and tasty. Healthy and tasty in itself sounds as an oxymoron! 
But they both are something that can co-exist and Gupta ji's family are known for their tasty and nutritious foods. Now, let me tell you their recipes one by one!

Breakfast in itself is a good thing and increasing to it's goodness is the 'family' factor. Having a meal together will help the children develop better than having it alone. It increases family values. 

If you are going to a different house other than your own, the first thing that will impress you will be their hospitality! And nothing better than food to increase the points. Good food will compel you to visit the family again and again. Now, what all recipe does the Gupta family have, that will make me drool my way towards their house.

Coconut is an important part of food in the southern part of our country. Many dishes cannot happen without it and I add it to most of the dishes. Coconut gives a very rich flavour to the food and it's aroma tempts the taste buds. 

Coconut ladoo made along with Kelloggs will contain it's rich flavour along with the taste of the original ladoo. Kelloggs made from wheat will have the goodness of wheat and the healthiness that it brings along with it. 

Coconut ladoo for breakfast will go well along with both the young and the old alike. This coconut ladoo made with the goodness of Kelloggs and coconut will be the first dish that makes me want to go to the Gupta's home for breakfast.

Chocolate. Who doesn't love chocolate? 

Everyone will love it, except may be for some! The walnut gives the crispness the dish requires and the walnut mixed along with chocolate gives the taste and the crispness. 

The Kelloggs added to it will give the goodness that the chocolate deserves and together, it will make a healthy combo of food. The resulting Kelloggs Walnut Chocolate balls. It will be so appealing to everybody's eyes and the taste will not be disappointing either. This is the second dish that I want to taste at the Gupta's family household for breakfast.

These two dishes are so easy to make and I will be able to make them hassle free, when I am so pressed for time. This point makes the dishes even more tastier. You wish for it and in a few minutes you get it. 

The Kelloggs Coconut Ladoo and The Kelloggs Walnut Chocolate Balls will be my personal favourite and I guess these will make me go again and again to the Gupta's and they will also take their place as the tastiest dishes at my home too. 

As I have mentioned previously, the oxymoron involving the taste and nutrition ends with these dishes that are made from Kelloggs. 
Enjoy your breakfast in a nutritious way! 

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