
Monday, 13 April 2015

The Modern day AD shows

Whenever someone asks you about some famous ad jingles, the most common ones that come out of your mouth would be the ones released a few years ago.

Washing powder Nirma.
Washing powder Nirma.

I can still remember the ad along with the jingle. It was so catch and easy to repeat.
What made that ad so popular?

The phrase which was remembered was - Washing powder Nirma. It combined the brand name of the product along with the actual use of it. So, whenever someone mentions washing powder, the phrase Washing powder Nirma used to come into mind. So, automatically, it would have contributed to sales value.

So, what is wrong with the ads nowadays? 

1. Most famous brands use famous actors or actresses or players for their ads. While doing so, they should take into account the anti-fans that the players or actors or actresses might have. Also if that sole person's image gets a little tampered, it might lead to the loss of sales too.

2. The ads taken should be related to the product. We are really bored of ads going in the opposite direction to that of the actual product.

3. Some ads are made in such a way that it appears to be demeaning the competitor product. If the product is worthy enough, the consumers will know. Fighting on ads make the products look like a kindergarten child fighting for a cookie.

4. Including ridiculous ideas in ads. I can remember an ad for a soap, in which the mother is worried about her yet to enter into teen-age daughter not getting married. Tat ad made me stop buying that particular product. Though it has been years, I still cringe at the soap whenever I spot it on the market.

5. As a continuing opinion from above, the ads should be meaningful. Don't give tall claims. I would like to mention the fairness cream ads here. I would claim them all responsible for the beauty-complex that is widely prevalent in our country. The ads made all the young girls believe that only fair skin is beautiful and that could be achieved by using their creams. That too in weeks!

Just to sell their product, the companies have uses the self-respect of the dusky beauties as a ladder.
They are worth punishing!

Only realistic ads could win in the long run!
A good ad should awaken the senses.
For e.g., if the ad is for Pepsi, it should be in such a way that it should bring three things inind to the viewer.

1. The appearance of the Pepsi.
2. The ad jingle
3. The taste of Pepsi.

So, in order to achieve it, the ad should act as a stimulus for three different sensations - Viewing, Hearing and Gustatory.

Just by mentioning the name, if the viewer is able to get all those three from his memory, that is when an ad wins!
 “I am joining in on all the Pepsi IPL action in my own style with the#CrashThePepsiIPL activity at BlogAdda.”

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