
Friday, 31 July 2020

The Glass Skin Warriors - 4 Steps to get rid of Acne and Get the glass skin

Disclaimer- This is not a 10 step routine for achieving glass skin. If you came here for that, sorry, this is not a silica factory. 

But, wait... You can achieve glass skin if you have the following. Please be patient and start taking notes, for this secret is never revealed.

Step 1. Each and everyone of us should have a close friend or a family member for this important step. Whenever Acne decides to show its face, they, who took a Diploma under the Bodhi Tree, will point out to you that 'Washing your face' is very imperative. No matter how many gentle cleansers with pH 5.5 you use, it doesn't matter, as long as you are washing your face, as said by them. 

She is scrunching her face and looking at me, while saying the following," Wash your face twice a day"
Me : "I do...."
She : "You have to listen and do what I say. Then see where the acne is running off to. Wash your face and don't use moisturizer..."
Me: "I...."

Step 2. Even I am surprised by the depth of knowledge people use their brain for when it comes to skincare. When you are stressed out about your life, your career and your ambition and forgot to sleep well and eat well, this step will be very effective. 
Because no matter what you are going through, being happy will miraculously cure acne the next day. So, even if your life is going downhill and you are lonely and are in the brink of depression, be happy. Be happy, because Aunty said so and this has been her secret for the past 120 years. 

She: "I am not 120!"
Me: "You are not 120? What? You are just 40? But those crow feet... ?
She : "But I didn't get acne..ewww"
Me : " Sorry. I forgot that it applies only to others"
She : "Be happy. Your life will be better!"
Me : "How can I be happy just because you say so? Ok. Sorry. I will remember that I have to be happy when someone says, even if Sani is playing basketball in my life"

Step 3. We all know what metabolism is. And we all know we are mostly water. So adding water to the water will be the miracle water you have been praying for. 
You don't need the internet to know this miracle when you have an awesome friend with dry skin who have never seen acne in this life. Listen to her! Because drinking 5 liters of water a day will not only make you stay in the restroom all day, it will also show you the path for glass skin.

Me : "But you drink only 1 liter per day and you actually have never had acne in your life"
Her: "But I have clear skin. So listen to me"
Me: "Fine then... Knowledge doesn't matter. Only your appearance matters"

Step 4. So we have got the basic tips from the above 3. If you don't have a glass skin, you most probably have already been enlightened with the first 3 steps. So I welcome you to the most important Step 4. 

In here, I am going to explain you the most important thing and this will also be the last step in this beginner series.
Let us see, what it is.
Mirror! Mirror on the wall!

It is the Mirror. You might have heard about it. 
This is the latest innovation that we should implement in our routine. And I will tell you how to use it.

There is a chance that you might already have a mirror at home. If you are not able to buy one immediately, open the camera in your phone. Either way, both will come in handy. But Mirror is better since you have more pixels in your eyes and it is also completely chemical free and completely natural, vegan, cruelty free. 

So, this is how to do the last step. Read them carefully and if you feel you can't remember, note them down. Trust me, it is the most useful step. 

Stand before the mirror and look at yourself!Look at the mirror and look at the acne. Looking at the acne is very important because you generally won't know how your face is looking even though you wear your daily makeup perfectly. 

We might be in 2020, but sadly, people with acne are in need of help from others to even realize that he or she is having acne. You closed your eyes while you placed BHA on that acne just a few minutes before someone else took the effort to mention it to you. This lack of self realization is alarming.

As a glass skin aspirant, we should never allow this to happen. Be helpful towards your very concerned aunty, your friend who calls you only when you are suffering and many more so helpful people. Let them use their limited amount of brain capacity to deal with their good lives. Let us not add to their burden.

They : "You have a huge acne on your forehead"
Me, applying Benzoyl Peroxide "I know and that is why I am applying acne spot treatment on that exact spot"
They : Stares at it for 5 mins. 
They : Starts saying things in Step 1. 
Me: ........

The End (of sarcasm)

For now, I could find only 4 steps. 
If I find more, I will definitely add them. 

P.S If you could relate to any of the so called helping personalities( she/they) mentioned above, sorry to say this to you, but, mind your own business and don't ruin someone's day or week or confidence or life.

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